Tuesday we had to take the truck in to the dealer to check on some warranty items. They needed the truck for a couple hours, so we threw our bikes in the back of the truck and went for a nice long bike ride. It was a beautiful, sunny warm day out. We had Gracie with us in her basket, she loves to go riding with us and she sure gets a lot of comments. We road the Pilot Butte to Larkspur trail here in Bend. It was a nice paved trail from the Pilot Butte area through several neighborhoods to the Senior Center. We also had a nice visit with a fellow co-worker, Pam Schwarz and her husband Karl who stopped by for a tour of our home. As we have done almost every evening since we've been here, we've taken Gracie for her walk through the campground.
Wednesday we ran a few more errands and tried out the tennis court that we have here at Crown Villa. We haven't played tennis in years, so it was mostly running after the tennis balls instead of hitting them. It feels good to get out and exercise and not be sitting all day long behind a desk, especially when the weather is so pleasant. This was the first day that we didn't have any place we had to be at any particular time, it felt really good.
Thursday was a pretty low key day, the excitement for the day was watching the local Bend Fire Dept/Police rescue a worker from a big earthmover that he apparently backed into a 40' hole. Across the street from our RV park they are doing a lot of earthwork/prep for a new housing development, so there has been a lot of activity and noise during the day. It was only after we heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights out our back window that we knew something was wrong. So along with a bunch of other fellow RVer's we stood and watched the rescue. I'm sure glad I wasn't that worker, he was stuck in the hole for over an hour while they got everything in place to perform their rescue. It didn't appear that he was too badly injured, maybe just his pride??? The other good news was that we heard from brother Greg and the motorcycle has fixed itself. As he was driving it to the Harley dealer last night, it started running just fine, he thinks maybe he just got some bad gas over the weekend. Whew, that's a huge relief.
Friday we are without the truck all day. Rich had to have it to the dealer by 8:00 a.m. to have the warranty work done, so he rode his bike back home, brrrr it was cold out there this morning. We got the laundry done and are now just puttering around, me setting up this blog and Rich outside working on organizing the storage bays under our rig and putting a new seat and handle bars on his bike. Mine got a new seat and handle bars yesterday. After many calls later, we finally got the call we were waiting for from DRV on a part number for one of our jacks that needs replacing. Now we may be able to finally get the warranty work all finished up next week and hit the road.
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