Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tuesday - Wednesday, July 16-17, 2013 (Maple Valley, WA)


After we woke up and did our morning walk/jog routine, we packed our bags for our stay at Jeff & Sabrina's house.  We got over to their house a little after 10:00 and took over for Claudia.  Elsie wants to go visit Jessie every day in the hospital, so the plan was to take her in the afternoons. 

Lucky for us, the truck has a DVD player in the back seat which thrilled Elsie who was getting a little tired of the hour drive each way into the hospital.  So she was happy to be watching a movie while we maneuvered through the traffic which wasn't too bad mid day.  Jessie was looking much better than when we saw her on Sunday, she had her oxygen tube removed and got her catheter removed while we were there.  It is such a relief to see her improve.  Ever since Jessie went in the hospital last Tuesday night, she has wanted a "slurpy".  Her parents had promised as soon as she was able to have one, they would run out and get her one - well today was finally the day.  It was a big milestone in Jessie's recovery. 

We hung around until after 6:00 before we headed back home.  Of course, the traffic was still pretty bad according to our standards but not near as bad as Sunday night.  It was a relief to be to the house - we are getting our fill of freeway driving. 


Jeff had given me a "free hand" as far as "playing" with their landscaping.  So it was off to Home Depot to see what we could find in the plant department.  I had Elsie help me pick out some pretty flowers to plant - what fun!  After we got back to the house, Elsie and I started planting, she was a good little helper.  We got the majority of the flowers planted before it was time to head off to see Jessie.  Sorry, we forgot to take pictures.

When we got to the hospital room, there was no Jessie....hmmm she must be out walking.  We found her with Jeff and Sabrina out in the courtyard soaking up some sunshine.  Wow, she is doing so much better, so much in fact that they are talking about releasing her either Thursday or Friday.  Yahoo.

We have decided to move the 5er up to Brandon & Kris' house tomorrow and take Elsie and spend the night.  Elsie was excited to see her cousins and was willing to give up a visit to her sister Jessie for one day.

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