Sunday, April 20, 2014

Saturday - Monday, April 12 - 14, 2014 (Casa Grande, AZ)


We got up early to get our things packed up and transfered back to the 5er all before 9:00 a.m.  The biggest chore was to pack up the refrigerator and freezer.  Because our 5er didn't have an electrical hookup while we were parked here at Saddlebrooke we chose to unload everything from the refrigerator/freezer and take it over to the house.  The refrigerator does run on propane but when it's warm out a fan kicks on to help cool it down and we weren't sure how long our battery power would last, so we went the "safe" route.

We were all packed up and all the refrigerator/freezer stuff back into the 5er well before 9:00 a.m.  We were anxious to get on the road and get to our destination because it was very windy out and the wind was forecast to get stronger after 11:00 a.m.  Lucky for us, our sales agent showed up right as we were finishing up.  We gave back the keys and said our thank you's and goodbyes and headed down the road.

Well we have never had to travel in wind before and we were barely on the highway when I heard a noise I wasn't used to hearing.  When I looked in the back of the truck, our new BBQ drip pan was flying around the back of the truck, that's never happened before.  Rich pulled over and ran back an rearranged the BBQ.  Further down the road we would occasionally hear that same clatter and realized that the wind was lifting the lid of the BBQ and dropping it down again.  Hmmmm, we'll have to make sure in the future that we use a bundgy cord to keep the lid down. 

The drive to Casa Grande went well even with the wind and the clanging BBQ.  It was nice to be around a little more greenery even though we were in the desert, though the closer we got to Casa Grande there was less greenery.  Casa Grande area is more of an agricultural area so there are more fields and dust around.

We arrived back at the Casa Grande RV Resort, the same one we had stayed at earlier in the month.  When Rich unloaded the BBQ it was missing it's handle, I guess all that clanging had taken its toll.  Fortunately the handle and the screws were still in the bed of the truck. 

It was nice to get everything unpacked and stowed back in its proper places.  That's the nice thing when we travel with an RV, you don't have to pack and unpack your suitcase as it all goes with you.  It's amazing when we do stay in a "house" how much stuff we pack with us. 

The rest of the afternoon I worked on the blog and we just kicked back and relaxed and listened to the wind and were glad we were off the road.


We found another Calvary Chapel church to attend this Sunday.  After church we went back to the 5er for a quick bite of lunch and then drove out to Robson Ranch for a 2nd tour of their facilities to compare them with our visit to Saddlebrooke Ranch.  Both these communities are from the same builder/founder they just have a different feel to them.  The big thing with Robson Ranch is that being in an agricultural area they have a lot more dust flying around.  The other thing is that they have a freight train track near by.  We hadn't noticed the dust on our first visit but since it still was a bit breezy today we definitely noticed the dust in the air.  The houses at Robson Ranch are a bit less expensive and the community is made up of a lot more "snow birds" so in the summer it gets pretty quiet as at least half of the community leaves because of the heat.  

After our tour of the model homes, we ran across an "open house", so we stopped for a peak.  In talking with the realtor she offered to show us a couple of "resale" houses tomorrow.  After our visit today we were not as impressed with this community as we were the first time we visited a couple weeks ago.  Glad we came back for a second visit.


We were going to do our walk away the lbs tape but when we went to the room where the tv/dvd player was set up, the dvd player was not there.  Rats, we were looking forward to our workout.  Instead we went and used their fitness room which had a few weights and  treadmills.  

After breakfast we went and met the real estate lady and toured several more homes at Robson Ranch, one being a foreclosure.  We had never seen a "foreclosure" house that was in such good shape.  We had toured a few in Bend and they were always a mess, not so here.  Apparently the owners had passed away and their kids didn't want to mess with the house and apparently more was owed on the house than it was worth so they let it go back to the bank.  It will make someone a sweet deal, though you will have to have a love of curly and squiggly iron work.  It was everywhere, around the doors, around the windows on the ceilings.  They even had a custom iron work door made for the den.  It would have been interesting to see how they had it decorated. 

Well after our morning of touring houses, we made our way back to the 5er and decided that it was way to dusty at Robson Ranch and it would not be some place we would consider.  It's always fun to check out houses.  A lot of people spend the winters in this area in their rv's, but not sure we would even like to do that as it is pretty dusty around. 

I spent a couple hours by the pool reading and relaxing.  Not sure since we are headed north tomorrow if I'll have the opportunity or the nice warm sunshine.   

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