Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday-Wednesday, May 5 -7, 2014

Today was a travel day, so we were up fairly early, had our breakfast and then got into our travel day routine.  I take care of packing up the inside of the 5er and putting in the slides while Rich takes care of all the outdoor chores.  We were packed up and on the road around 9:30 a.m.  We had about a three hour drive to our next stop, Ogden, UT.

Our drive today was on the freeway, which wasn't bad except when you get around big cities, the traffic always increases which was the case when we hit Salt Lake City.  We made it through just fine and soon were in Ogden at our next stop, Wasatch View Estates, named after the local mountain range.  We read that 85% of Utah's population lives at the base of the Wasatch Mountains.   Wasatch View Estates is up for sale and has been for the last 10 years.  It is actually a mobile home park that as people leave, they turn the vacant spaces into RV spots.  Let's just say that it was a rather interesting park and leave it at that.  Here's a picture of our site.

Other than getting set up and taking Gracie for a walk through the park, we didn't do much of anything.  Rich did find a local Tire Factory and went and had the tires rotated.  He was very happy with the job they did compared to our experience with Big O Tires in Lake Havasu.  And we did watch on tv the comeback of the show "24" which as always has lots of plot twist and turns.....


Our plan today was to do some shopping and check off some items on our "to do list".  We stopped at Walmart and got a few things and Rich was in need of a haircut so we stopped at the salon inside Walmart.  If you remember in a previous post I had mentioned that for the last 36 years Rich has had the same barber, so this was his second haircut from someone other than his barber and at a hair salon no less.  I'm happy to report that the haircut turned out well.

After the haircut we headed to Costco, had a slice of pizza for lunch, and then did our shopping.  It's always a fun adventure to check out the local Costco stores.  They all seem to have a little different layout and sometimes more "local" type items.  When we were in the southwest, we got a nice big jar of roasted green chili's which were quite yummy.

After our shopping adventure we headed back to the 5er for a relaxing afternoon/evening.  It is suppose to be a rainy stormy day tomorrow so we've decided to stay one more night so we don't have to drive in the rain.


Yep, they were right, it was a cold and stormy day.  A good day to stay inside, nice and dry and warm. 

Wasatch mountain range when we got to Ogden on Monday

Wasatch mountain range on Wednesday with fresh snow

sleet on back window of our 5er

Good day to read with a nice warm doggie on your lap

At one point the thermometer dropped to 32 degrees....brrrrr.....where is that nice warm Arizona sunshine.  We also had some thunder and lightening at times.  Needless to say we didn't do much today other than stay inside and do a lot of reading.  I had made a pot of bean/sausage soup which helped chase the chill away.  Tomorrow the weather is suppose to clear and we will head down the road.  We are definitely ready.

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